NAME:  Kimberly Hubbard

AGE:  21 years young

LOCATION:  Mercer Island, WA

MY JOURNEY:  Spoiled brat / party girl turned broke college student / fitness enthusiast. What started out as a diet turned into a lifestyle! Love learning about health / nutrition / fitness. Currently struggling to become the best version of myself I can possibly be. Working hard not to waste the life I've got.

I LOVE:  Avocados, the smell of matches, yoga, puns, felines, boating, seaweed salad, braids, sarcasm, running shoes, lukewarm water, sun on my skin, unusual nail polish, marijuana, pistachio / coffee ice cream. 

I HATE:  Touching cardboard, filling out forms, gin, the smell of celery, bone-in chicken wings, smelly dogs, using my "inside voice," ironing.

THIS BLOG IS:  A place for me to share what I learn, document my own progress, motivate others. This blog is a place for me to be myself and explore my thoughts and interests. If it doesn't interest you, I suggest you don't read it.